Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Unless You Puke, Faint or Die, Keep Going!" ~Jillian Michaels

That quote is what I plan to live by for the next 30 days (and beyond if I don't die! lol) Tomorrow I start the 30 day shred with Jillian Michaels! I'm excited but scared at the same time...I don't want to fail! I've been saying for months now I'll start tomorrow or next month is defiantly it I don't know why I've put it off til now, no more excuses I WILL LOSE WEIGHT! I'm finally sick of feeling run down and in pain because of the extra weight I am carrying around...No I don't know how much I currently weigh (I don't have a scale but going to get one) but I will say I'm in a size 18 jeans and they are beginning to get uncomfortable. I am ashamed that I let myself get this big again yes I said again! At my biggest point was a size 22 and 250ish pounds (I'm 5ft tall so thats almost 150 too much I should weigh around 100-120lbs max) and I managed to shed 100lbs in a year but since having Isaiah I have put about 50-75lbs of it back on....I hate to admit it but I'm bigger now than when I was 9months pregnant! This is not only something I want to do but I have to, I am so unhappy with myself I can't stand it...I have no energy to do anything any more all  I want to do is sleep and its the weight its stressing my body out and I'm literally  exhausted from it. I'm not looking for anything dramatic I just want to feel human again and have the energy to chase my little boy around with out feeling exhausted in 10mins! 
well I hate only being able to do short blogs but then again I have a 1yr old who has turned into a monster this last week and I can hear him getting into things so I must say good-bye! I'll try to blog from my phone tomorrow after my workout to let everyone know I'm still alive! 
my before Picture

1 comment:

  1. 色 情片小說
